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Old 06-06-2021, 03:45 PM   #2029
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Originally Posted by Brendone View Post
Thanks, thinking dedicated NAS is the route I want to go. A lot of options out there. Looks like most don’t come with the drives so you determine the capacity, up to the device max (WD My Cloud, Synology, TerraMaster, etc). Buffalo seems to come with drives but not huge capacity.

Any experience with any of these? All seem to have similar features.

Any advantages to going with Unraid? edit - doing some reading.... seems like a more flexible system when it comes to storage size and recovery, but you essentially build a PC with the attached drives and run using the Unraid Operating System (probably over simplified it).
If you want "storage for a noob" unraid is not the way to go. It's very powerful and if you want to spend the time to learn it then it might fit the bill, but a NAS will be the most "set it and forget it" network storage option out there. Personally I'm going to grab a Synology DS420+ whenever I can actually buy hard drives for the damn thing
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