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Old 06-01-2021, 12:55 PM   #174
First Line Centre
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ontario

Originally Posted by Bingo View Post
This is Justin Bourne (not Jason) on the Leafs, but I thought it worth posting in a summer of change for Calgary topic.

It's pretty spot on.

Every fanbase does it, but the Leafs do it to such a heightened degree, especially with Sportsnet fawning all over them. They keep bringing in these fringe guys with character and then immediately overrating them because "these guys know what it takes."

The Foligno trade was terrible at the time, not in hindsight.

As Mirtle wrote in the Athletic this morning:

It was like the Leafs had to just keep jamming more and more and more veterans in every possible roster orifice, trying to prove this team was no longer the old team that couldn’t get things done when it counted.
And most people bought into it, in the organization and on the outside. It’s certainly a strategy that fits with hockey orthodoxy. It was what the establishment always seemed to call for with this roster: get tougher, get more experience — then you’ll be able to win.

It's the core guys that have to adapt their games. Veterans are great, but except in rare cases, they're not going to step up when your stars go cold. They're not capable of it.

So, either your core guys have to get better at winning, or you need to change up your core. Not all of it, certainly. A piece, at least. Change the dynamic, whatever. Those are basically your only options.
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