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Old 04-28-2021, 08:47 PM   #1523
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Members of a private Facebook group for military police have been mocking testimony made by the woman at the heart of allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Gen. Jonathan Vance.
The aspersions targeting Maj. Kellie Brennan come after she appeared before a parliamentary committee probing high-level sexual misconduct in the Canadian Forces and said she does not believe military police will take the investigation into her allegations seriously.
Brennan testified during that committee that Vance was the father of two of her children.
“If you sleep with a senior rank you get good postings and promotion to support the bastards but no parenting and support from the senior rank,” one person in the Facebook group wrote in a comment posted about a link citing news of Brennan’s testimony.
“If the senior rank is a general then one should know better and you get nothing,” wrote another.
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