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Old 04-27-2021, 01:16 AM   #1
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada
Default Calling all Investment Professionals in the house for course advice!

Hi all,

I was wondering if any of the CP members who work in finance, banking and investments have the Chartered Investment Manager Designation (CIM)??

I worked in the business for a big 5 bank for several years a while back but I have been out of the game for a little while. I still have a great desire to get back into it in some capacity and been doing a little thinking.

I should have taken the CIM course a few years ago but I am an idiot and didn't. I should have taken the CIM course at some point earlier during Covid when I had a lot of free time, but I didn't cause I am an idiot.

A few friends have recently enrolled and completed a portion of it and I never expected that given their background. I think enough is enough and I need to get on with this for my future and as a personal challenge to try and get back into the industry.

I will admit, although I have a decent investment background knowledge and worked as a higher performer, I am a little nervous on things like the financial calculations and the general math. Some of this stuff I haven't done in a while.

I am wondering how hard the actual math component may be? Can anybody recommend any tutoring or anything in the Calgary area? I know that there used to be a study group for the CFA that would get together but that was pre Covid so I am not sure what is happening now.

Any advice anybody else may be able to offer for a former colleague would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
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