Thread: Star Wars
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Old 04-05-2021, 08:56 AM   #1035
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But will she be more powerful then StarKiller. Or from the novels Kyp Durran. You know pulling Star Destroyers out of orbit. Pushing Super Star Destroyers out of solar systems. Destroying Planets with a flick of their fingers?

That's one thing that for a long time really hurt the Legends Novels, they'd force their way out of every situation.

In my mind there should really be a once in a thousands of year Force beast.

In the EU you had Tenebre (sp) Vitiate, who was basically able to devour souls to become immortal, but he still died. On the other side you had Revan who was incredibly powerful, but he followed Vader, went Dark, then was redeemed.

Then thousands of years later you really had Palpatine who was a expression of the Dark Side of the Force, uber powerful. You had Skywalker, the chosen one who was enormously powerful, then you had a guy like Yoda. Kenobi wasn't a uber being.

I don't think they need to roll out another uber being so soon, I mean its the Superman Quandary. When Superman came out he was unbeatable, so they started having to roll out more powerful super villains, basically god creatures.

Why not flip the switch and have a really weak Jedi. You know, could barely lift a glass, her force speed was more like Force job, She sucks with the Light Sabre, but somehow finds a way using her more non jedi like powers.
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