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Old 03-19-2021, 10:10 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by CroFlames View Post
That does literally nothing. Governments shouldn't use athletes as pawns for political stunts at the Olympics.

If we want to stand up to China, we have to cease trade with them, and impose sanctions. Unfortunately, Canadians don't care that much about sending a message to a genocidal regime to actually make some self sacrifice, so I'm afraid nothing can be done. At best, the government should make an official statement, but we don't have the political muscle to make one iota of difference.

So we may as well send the athletes since only they will get punished if we don't go. China won't care.

Yes absolutely, I think we need to attack trade. I think our government needs to stop sending infrastructure money to China and start sending it to China's competitors. I think that the Huwei question needs to be answered, the Government for whatever has ragged the puck on this and we look like a joke to our 5 eyes partners.

I would almost hope that the athletes would lead the way on not going. I respect them but if they put a track meet over the fate of the two Michaels, I certainly won't be watching or cheering them on.
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