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Old 03-15-2021, 09:40 AM   #7
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Jan 2010

I'll just pipe in and say that I've been using Tapatalk on Android for years now. The only time there were issues loading was when the site itself was slow. Once thread size was reduced by archiving, I haven't had any issues.

I was a VIP on tapatalk until they took that away a couple years ago. Now I just use the free ad-based version.

The one possible difference is that we use open dns in our home for filtering, so ads do get filtered. Sometimes (maybe once every couple days or so), when an ad is blocked, tapatalk will not allow me to move to the next page automatically through scrolling. To get around this, I just explicitly move to the next page, and then I can scroll through the rest of the thread.
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