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Old 03-11-2021, 11:09 AM   #13
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Join Date: Jun 2002

Originally Posted by bc-chris View Post
oh yea... mix tapes!!! who didn't make that special girl in high school a mix tape with all the cheesey power ballads of 80s hair bands! ha! ha!

what i usually did when i bought a tape would be to record it onto a 90 minute tape. you could usually get all the songs on one side and usually had room to add a favourite track or two to any remaining space on the tape. flip the 90 minute tape over and record another album on the flip side.

my main reason for recording my original tapes was to reduce wear. i listened to music constantly and was really ticked off when my walkman ate my northern pikes tape that i hadn't had a chance to dub yet. had to go buy another one and it was something like $15 to replace... that was a lot of cash back then!

i remember i did a road trip to south dakota eons ago and most of the guys going on the trip were die hard star wars fans so i played the movies on the vcr, outputted the audio into the tape recorded and made audio recordings of star wars, empire and jedi. we would pass 6 hours of driving while reciting the star wars movies - ha! we were such geeks!

and as Swift mentioned - computer games on audio cassettes! i had space invaders on one tape and asteroid on another! ahhh - great memories!

Yeah, not only would you make mix tapes for your girl (always had something by Peter Gabriel on mine). But you also had that stash of specific person mix tapes. The sex tape, the party tape, the drive over an our tape, the studying for finals and you know you're going to fail tape, the gym tape.

I swear one night in Dallas, I was errr in an altered state and I was determined to get the song something going on added to my mix tape of favorites, and I say there for like 3 hours waiting for the song to come on the radio.

And some of my favorite games were on cassette, the original castle of Wolfenstein, Forbidden Forest, Castle of Doctor Creep.
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