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Old 01-30-2021, 12:17 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2007

Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
There are a few circumstances where you would want to buy a $1000 current LED over this TV.

1. You watch a lot of 4k content and sit less than 8 feet from where you want to put this thing. This TV cannot display 4K content. Such content is pretty rare, and for a 65" set you'd have to be sitting pretty close for 4K to even matter, but for the few people who are in this category, makes sense.
2. You want to put the TV in a bright room. LEDs have always been brighter and better with glare. Current sets even more so.
3. You've found another TV on deep discount and are really getting a higher-end set for $1000.
EDIT: I guess I should add,
4. You are a competitive gamer whose top priorities are input lag and response.

Frankly what the OP was intending to use it for - a bedroom TV - it's basically perfect, especially if you have a blackout shade. That's exactly what I use my 65ST60 for. I'd probably buy this if I didn't already have that TV.
I have a 50" Samsung Plasma circa 2014 or so that I use in my home office which gets a ton of light. Plus it's my gaming TV. I have yet to come across an LED option of any kind that matches it's performance, especially in a bright room.

I know what you are talking about.
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