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Old 01-10-2021, 03:20 PM   #241
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Jul 2007

Originally Posted by Street Pharmacist View Post
This just isn't true. This is bothsidesism nonsense. Thousands of posters calling for violence on the left were suspended.

The reason it seems to be happening to the right mostly is because....

They are by faaaar the major player in violence and harrassment
I remember the joe rogan podcast where he had Tim Pool grill Jack Dorseyand his Lawyer. Half the podcast went like this:

Tim: "Look at this example of someone on the left and right making essentially the same tweet. The person on the right was punished, the person on the left was not. Why is that?"

Lawyer: "The difference is context" *goes on to define the context based entirely on their political ideology*

So either they're playing politics, or they are so consumed by their ideology they are incapable of seeing past it, not sure which one is more dangerous.
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