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Old 12-15-2020, 01:52 PM   #1591
One of the Nine
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Space Sector 2814

So my 3.5 year old is starting to take a real interest in my miniatures and board games. He's always asking questions about the different games he sees on the shelf, and loves to go through my paints and ask which one I would use for what purpose.

I've shown him some of the more advanced RPG rule books I have and he loves looking at the pictures and rolling the dice, then asks me what it means, we go through the numbers.

I started doing a little research and there are apparently RPG's aimed at kids as young as 3-4 years old. Just wondering if anyone has attempted this or done some research on the topic? Given the fact we are quarantined here for the next month I thought it might not be bad to at least try, the PDF's are like 8 bucks Canadian, something along these lines. He has an incredible imagination, but does enjoy physically acting this imagination out, so I know it may be a tall task. But I figured it was worth a shot.

Anyone else walked this road already and has some advice?
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