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Old 11-19-2020, 01:31 PM   #87
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by Enoch Root View Post
It isn't about millionaires and billionaires, that is an empty argument.
Glass houses.

The fact is that players wanted their salaries to be directly tied to revenues. They fought hard for that, and for good reason - as revenues go up, their salaries rise along with them. In other words, they fully participate in the success of the business.
You and Locke must live in an alternate reality from the rest of us. The players don’t want their salaries directly tied to revenues, this has been made very clear by their wanting to remove escrow from the CBA. Empty argument indeed.

The underbelly of that privilege is that, when revenues go down, so too must salaries. Either you want to be a stakeholder, or you don't. But you can't participate only on the sunny side.
If the league gave the players the option of removing the salary cap and escrow do you think they would choose that? If your answer is yes that should give you a pretty good indication of how misguided the revisionist history you’re applying to make your argument is.
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