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Old 11-19-2020, 12:49 PM   #81
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Nov 2007

Originally Posted by Textcritic View Post
Based on everything I have seen the availability of vaccines to the wider public will not occur until summer 2021 at the earliest.

I honestly don't care about who wins the optics war in this new fight between owners and players, so long as there is a feasible and sustainable model for NHL hockey beyond 2021. If the players insist on enforcement of the current agreement with no regard to the certain revenue-loss for this season, then I believe that future is very much in doubt. As much as you see "the league trying to have their cake and eat it too," I think this applies just as clearly to the PA, which seems set on jeopardizing long-term sustainability for immediate compensation.
I disagree, the PA is in a position where going forward they have already committed to a having a much higher escrow for the next few seasons and being paid a lower percentage of their contract value, even if things were to return to normal for the 21/22 season the players would still be on the hook for the concessions they agreed to. If the league were to come out and say they want to renegotiate the whole deal that’d be one thing but what they’re doing here is saying next year the deal looks bad for the league so they want the players to take less, but in the following two seasons where the deal is looking worse for the players the league thinks status quo is ok. I don’t see how that can be described as anything other than cake eating.
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