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Old 10-18-2020, 08:38 AM   #6676
Jeff Lebowski
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Nov 2015

If Trump loses do people expect that a Biden DOJ will launch/advance/re-open any investigations into Trump?

I guess I'm wondering if Biden will do what Obama was precieved to do did when he did not go after Bush administration

In January 2009, George W. Bush left office with an abysmal 22 percent approval rating, the lowest ever recorded. Almost everyone with anything to do with his administration was considered politically toxic.

With full Democratic control of the federal government, calls came for an investigation into the scandals of the Bush administration, including torture, mass surveillance, and war profiteering. While some called for criminal prosecutions, others wanted hearings or an independent investigation that would — at minimum — put into the public record the details of who did what and when. At the least, the argument went, Democrats could ensure that the GOP had to wear the Bush administration for years; that the officials involved in wrongdoing would be written out of polite society; and that future administrations would not revert to those practices.

Obama refused. “We need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards,” he said famously on January 11, 2009, days before he took office.

What does 'rule of law' mean when it's not consistently applied?
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