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Old 10-06-2020, 11:21 AM   #3605
Franchise Player
Join Date: Dec 2011

Here's my Sim-City solution:

Level crossing connecting Fisher Rd and Flint Pl

MUP corridor running parrallel on the east side of the train tracks between Chinook and Heritage stations (it's already a narrow green corridor, just needs a chain link fence and some more trees to not suck)

It's kind of funny to click on the 'bicycling' layer on google have to zoom pretty far our from this proposed development to find any green lines.

A pedestrian crossing (or two) over Macleod would also go a long way to making this area remotely 'livable'. It's close to a lot of great stuff, but walking to any of it would be really unpleasant.

Once all of the above is done and it's fully built out, there might be a case for a new station.
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