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Old 09-26-2020, 05:06 PM   #8111
Crown Royal
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Join Date: Mar 2019

Originally Posted by dino7c View Post
Why not go back 3 seasons? your stats are kinda cherry picked considering Hoffman just had a career high. Also, Devils/Yotes certainly play a different brand of hockey then the Panthers.

Hoffman is also a -49 over those seasons

Hall is 2 years younger and has 563 points compared to Hoffman's 359...not to mention a recent MVP season. Hall is certainly a better player

And the biggest thing Hall might actually come here
I went 2 years back because that was when Hoffman joined the Panthers. I didn't even think about Halls MVP season to be honest. It's hilarious that you accuse me of cherry picking, but then you give career numbers ignoring that Hall was an NHL regular 4 seasons before Hoffman.

But let's go back further and eliminate "cherry picking". Let's go back to Hoffman's first full season (2014-15) as an NHL regular. Hoffman has 353 points in that time, Hall has 338.

And yes, I am well aware that Hall has a much better point per game ration, but until players start scoring points from IR, games missed to injury need to be seen as a negative and as much as I like Hall, the dude can't stay healthy. Since the start of 2014-15, Hoffman has missed 15 games, Hall has missed almost 100 games, 96 to be exact.
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