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Old 09-19-2020, 05:07 PM   #113
Cecil Terwilliger
That Crazy Guy at the Bus Stop
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Springfield Penitentiary

Originally Posted by JohnnyB View Post
I'm not the one making things partisan. I'm taking a stand for reading comprehension.

Matata wrote this:

According to what Matata wrote, are Nazis the worst? Yes.

Are the KKK the worst? Yes.

Should this be an easy statement to agree with if you value equality and democracy? Yes.

Are people who are implying that Matata's statement shows him to be the equivalent of a Nazi or KKK sympathizer or appeaser attacking him over something he didn't write in that post? Yes.

Re-read what Matata wrote in that post and think again if it's worth getting the pitchforks out over.
Well then maybe you should take your own advice and work on your reading comprehension

So which people is Matata talking about? He didn’t quote anyone and just made a general statement but it sure seemed directed at anyone calling Trump and the GOP trash.

That’s pretty dumb. Especially since he made accusations of being worse than Trump and the GOP.

So I don’t have a side, I’m not a Dem or Rep, but I do believe that Trump supporters (Republicans) are bad. And opposing Trump is good. I like equality and democracy. But that makes me worse than Trump and the Republicans because I’m ####ing standing up for protecting rights, freedom, equality and admonishing violence, racism, bigotry and hate. If you can’t figure out the right ####ing side then you’re goddamn right I’m gonna be straightforward about it to help you figure it out. I’m calling a spade a spade and I don’t give a #### about empty platitudes like “you’ll catch more flies with honey.” We’re so far past that. I don’t need to nudge people who support a wannabe dictator that maybe we should find a friendlier way to find middle ground. They need to be stopped and if it takes shaming people to get them to stand up for what’s right, go somewhere else for your apology because you’re not gonna find one here. I’m not afraid of making the division bigger or radicalizing them because they’re the ones who created that divide because they’re already radicalized. That’s the goddamn point!

No one anywhere ever should defend Trump, McConnell and the GOP from any insult that comes their way. Like I said before, grow a spine and stand up for what’s right.

Next you’ll be defending China’s human rights record when I call them trash for conducting a ####ing modern day genocide.

But I’m worse than Trump because I’m calling terrible humans terrible?

Think about how insanely stupid it is to think that, let alone type it. Scarier still, a bunch of people agreed with him. It’s frightening.

Is it possible Matata is so jaded by politics that he/she has lost all sight of right and wrong and can’t distinguish a wannabe dictator from the people opposing him?

Last edited by Cecil Terwilliger; 09-19-2020 at 05:18 PM.
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