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Old 09-13-2020, 10:50 AM   #50
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I dont know the stats or if they are even kept, but i would surmise that those guys that throw deep more often are generally on teams that are behind on the scoreboard more often, although with SF that would suggest otherise.

Whatever though, Brees can still thro the deep ball even if it is not as accurate as it once was, and that the Saints are not a "dink and dunk" team. Far from it actually.

One other thing, and this appears to be the case league wide, RB's have never been more important down the field in the passing game as they are now. Its the ultimate copycat league, and Belichick started it with James White and company (not to mention turning the TE position into a WR type of player||), the Saints and Chiefs took it to another level, and now everyone is looking for guys that can carry the ball but just as importantly catch it and run. SF, again, being a complete outlier in that regard.

It used to be that teams used the ground game to set up the deep it looks like the short pass game is used to set up the longer throws. Maybe its just me but everywhere i look...its pretty much the same thing.
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