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Old 09-03-2020, 12:28 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by AC View Post
I used to have fun modding the graphics of the NHL games on PC as a kid. EA's laziness when it comes to player faces is just embarrassing for the most part.

Dug this post up from the NHL15 thread because it still applies to so many players. Back when Giordano still didn't have a face:
Yeah, I used to mod one of the European leagues into the Manitoba Junior Hockey League and was even interviewed by the radio in Winkler about it.

I don't think it's so much laziness as it's they have 600+ players to do and not enough people to do them all so they end up half-assing alot of faces.. The ones who are accurate are scans where someone has made a game res version of it and the other are most likely done using the same face creation tools that are in the game.

It sucks the face import technology they used to use got patented because they probably would be able to do close to everyone if not everyone. Other games have it but NHL probably can't due to their budget. UFC doesn't even have it anymore in the newest version.
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