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Old 09-01-2020, 06:38 PM   #4829
White Out 403
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Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
Two things.

1. The number of times someone is shot does not matter. I wish people would stop doing that every time there's a shooting. The issue is the decision to kill the guy.
2. Even if he had a knife in his hand (which it doesn't look like), he didn't make any movements to suggest that he was going to attack the police with it. He was moving away from them. If the suggestion is he was going to kill the children in the car with the knife, why was he trying to get into the front seat? Weren't they in the back? This whole theory makes very little sense to me.
think the issue here is the guy has already fought off the officers physically, put one in a headlock, and has resisted 2 attempts to be tazered. The police had a decision to make on the spot; do they let the guy get in the vehicle with children that are now possible hostages, or shoot? The safety of the children and the public were in play, and they had to make a call. I wish the narrative and talk was about this, and not about it being a racial thing. Maybe the cops made the wrong call. Or maybe they saved the kids lives or someone from being ploughed over by this dude as he fled. Impossible to tell.
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