Thread: [PGT] Flames 4 - Stars 5
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Old 08-14-2020, 12:12 PM   #402
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Feb 2010

People coming here to talk about the mistakes and failures isn't "uncommon"
This is how the real world works, we all have jobs (most of us at least I'd assume) and when you're doing a good job you usually dont hear anything.

When you make a mistake, or do something wrong that's visible to your peers or superiors I bet you all usually hear about it yea?

Now take doing your job and put in front of the public eye (CP Members!) and have them also analyzing your play/the game as it unfolds in real time.

I'm always surprised people say "wow more people post when they lose"
Yep, its true! Because there's more to analyze and look at and you try and point our the mistakes/errors that contributed to the Flames losing.

Nothing wrong it it, don't take it the wrong way.
Now some people I understand may go completely overboard but for the most part I personally enjoy the different takes and discussions that come with the Flames losing and the CP collective analyzing.
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