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Old 08-07-2020, 10:01 AM   #1992
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Join Date: Oct 2001

Originally Posted by Red Slinger View Post
I generally agree with most of what you wrote. However, the real danger of Trump and what makes him the potential worst President ever is not the monster he is himself but rather the monster he emboldens or even creates. Trump is all about Trump. He will do whatever is good for him. If it helps Americans that's a bonus. If it helps Americans and the World, that's an even bigger bonus. If it hurts America and/or the World, too bad. He simply doesn't care about other human beings.

Trump hasn't started any wars, hasn't been responsible for mass atrocities, political coups or even the genocides of past Presidents. What he is responsible for is the rise of fascism and authoritarianism in America and around the World. Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil, Iran, North Korea and others have been emboldened by Trump whereas, even with a Neo-Con as President, they would have at least been given some pause.

The truth is that we don't know the aggregate negative impact of Trump yet and we likely won't for decades to come. The worst case scenario is potentially worse than any of the cases you sited. That's why it's so important to get rid of Trump and defeat Trumpism as quickly as possible before the roots get even deeper and more tangled. We need to be all-in on Biden now as enthusiastically as we can muster. When he's in office, then he should be held accountable. But in the meantime, the focus has to be on defeating Trump soundly.

Trump isnt starting wars outside because these wars are typically about some grand vision, western ideologies like instilling democracies, freeing a country from oppressive governments etc. Trump doesnt care about these things.

He is busy robbing the country blind and making sure his kids and friends get taken care of as well. All about the Trumps and at all costs. Free world be damned.

Last edited by Red; 08-07-2020 at 10:03 AM.
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