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Old 08-07-2020, 09:14 AM   #106
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Love what Bennett is bringing so far, but 3 points in a 4 game qualifier is not going to result in some massive jump in salary, a slight one maybe.

Let's see if the Flames can actually win a real best of 7 against a tougher opponent, who isn't missing two of their best players.

That being said, watching Bennett and Lucic out there last night was a thing of beauty. The Flames have been such an easy team to play against for a while. Seeing that tandem just absolutely wear down the other team was great. They dominated board play, and every Jets player retrieving a puck was looking over their shoulder.

Bennett even seemed to be making some smart offensive plays, as his confidence grew. Lucic was also driving the net. Lucic was like a pitbull sticking up for the rest of the team. It's just accepted that 99% of the players in the league cannot stand up in a fight against him. His presence alone makes such a difference.
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