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Old 08-05-2020, 08:32 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by DiracSpike View Post
The dirty secret about championships though is that while they're great in the moment and the fans of the winning team always remember when they won the vast majority of people can't remember who won in a specific season off the top of their head, much less if there's some sort of asterisk that should be applied. We all know who won in 1989 but if you were to poll random hockey fans I bet most wouldn't know without looking it up. Even in the last 20 years, can anyone name me offhand who won in 2002, 2007, 2013, and 2016 and which one of those was a lockout? This is a memorable year for sure, but five years into the corona-free future is someone gonna look at the list of Stanley Cup winning teams, see the name of who won, and think "oh yeah but they actually had to play more games than other years required, in a bubble, in september instead of June so I really don't think that's legit..." I doubt it.

Just guessing.
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