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Old 07-28-2020, 10:14 PM   #495
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Sunnyvale nursing home

Originally Posted by Red_Baron View Post
Just wondering,
How many other parents are considering keeping their kids out of minor hockey this year?
I have 3 boys, 2 in initiation (U7), and one who will be in 2nd year U11 and my wife's parents live in our basement. My father in law is immune compromised and they are both in their 70's so that is definitely a factor in the decision.

If your kid gets sick with any symptoms (very common in the winter) they will have to stay away for 14 days so the chances of lost time are high.

Fees have went up significantly this year for Kelowna minor due to a maximum of 20 players allowed on the ice and ice times are going to be shorter as they need to allow a 1/2 hour between users and only one team can be in the arena at a time. To me, this is not worth nearly $2000 of fees for my 3 kids.

They have not provided a contingency for if there is an outbreak or a cancellation policy for if the season were to be cancelled at any point.

As much as it pains me to tell my kids they won't be playing hockey this year, I have a hard time justifying putting them in, especially with my in-laws and their health at stake over this.
I saw on Twitter that at least one Calgary association is working on a refund policy in the event of a season cancellation. But I guess that doesn't help if your kid keeps getting sick and required to self isolate for multiple weeks. (Apparently, a runny nose is enough for that to happen.)

I am curious what the registration numbers are looking like right now. I know the prep camps for many Calgary quadrant clubs (AA/AAA travel) are sold out, so I don't think there will be any decrease in tryout registration there.
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