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Old 06-30-2020, 02:58 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Slava View Post
I talked to a lady who claims that she does that in 2 hours, so my wife and I decided to give that a shot. We've walked it a bunch of times and it just takes 3 hours. It's just not possible to walk it in 2...she has to be running.
Does she have a dog? I find those with dogs often jog/walk briskly on "walks" and don't really realize or notice they are doing it. They only identify and realize it when it is pointed out to them.

Originally Posted by djsFlames View Post
Been doing a tour of the yyc trails lately

Weaselhead Flats is fantastic and my go to.
Nose Creek Park/trail, many bridges, nice streams
Fish Creek (Ranch area on the east side is best)
Bowness/Baker parks loop is a classic
Path on south edge of Discovery Ridge is worth checking out, mountainous forest feel with views of the elbow and lots of wooden bridges.
Glenbow Ranch Prov Park is the best walk/ride close to town, you can watch the trains up close and enjoy foothills, mountain scenery, coulees and the old farmhouses there.
Awesome. I've been wondering if this is a good hike and everything I've heard about it seems like it is. I was really curious though because even many avid self proclaimed hikers I know seems to have walked or hiked it before.

I know Nosehill has been mentioned and these other sections aren't really worth mentioning on their own, but the semi interconnected pathways between Nosehill, Edgemont, Hamptons etc. between communities are sometimes surprisingly beautiful. There are ravines, valleys and ponds in Edgemont which are really nice.

I know nothing of bikes, but I'm tempted to learn by refurbishing a 20 year old mountain bike that's just collecting dust in my parent's garage (probably just needs new brake line/brakes, cleaning/grease, helmet and I'm good to go). That way I can traverse more of these paths than I would normally just by walking.

A long time ago, I recall biking from Nose creek valley towards downtown. That was a nice ride as well.
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