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Old 06-27-2020, 12:39 PM   #3563
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Originally Posted by Derek Sutton View Post
Equality is not about words, it’s about actions. Being told what we can and cannot say, what we should or should not say, or what is or isn’t offensive helps create division and further apathy towards true equality, be it race, religion or sexuality. Words are the low hanging fruit, gay bashing, religious persecution and police selection/ training and policies the issue.

What I would like to hear, and what would go along way in dealing with the ignorance within my own extended family would be something like. “You know what? Call me whatever the **** you want, but treat me equal!!” That would be a better bridge to build then saying “nope can’t use the word thug” or not using ethnicity when describing a suspect, or mandating X% of work force must be visible minority.

There is a massive part of the population who believe the pendulum in society has swung passed equal and gone to special. This creates further problems and ignorance among the already ignorant. Being told to say Black Lives Matter and you can’t say All Lives Matter is just one example.
Using words is also action. The use of words has consequences, and often results in further actions with more consequences. That should be so obvious that nobody should ever have to even point it out.

And what does it even mean for someone to call a person whatever they want yet treat them equally at the same time? It doesn't seem like something you've actually thought through. It should be so glaringly obvious that using derogatory, demeaning or racist words towards someone is not treating them equally.

Changing the words that people use is not sufficient to take on racism, but it is necessary.

"If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?"
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