Originally Posted by Lubicon
Well it is a Transportation AND Utility corridor so room for other things like power lines, pipelines etc. have also been allowed for if it is like other sections of the ring road in Edmonton and Calgary.
The default median width for the ring roads has been 30 m, and widening has been on the median-side. There are power lines alongside the freeway for about half of Henday's TUC but never in the median. There's a whole debate now about whether or not Stoney SW's should have been scaled back to not have the massive median. They probably didn't want to run into redesign issues that might press the clock with the Tsuut'ina deal because we'd be so far beyond screwed as an entire province if the deal lapsed.
Originally Posted by D as in David
I'm not calling for heads to roll but is it so wrong to show some empathy for fellow Calgarians who end up on the wrong end of the stick in these situations? That's all I'm doing here.
I get that. My only question is the validity of claims that this walkway was somehow built in some way different than what they were originally told.