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Old 05-04-2020, 12:09 PM   #2655
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Originally Posted by gasman View Post
I did a kitchen reno and found asbestos in the underlayment under linoleum floor that was tiled over. I did the abatement myself. Bought a respirator with the proper cartridges, and tyvek coveralls. It all came up in large chunks with very little dust.

It all depends on the medium, if it is fryable, meaning will create any dust, get a professional. if you can remove it in chunks, then I would do it myself.

I also don't believe that a one time exposure by the average Joe, especially if you are a non smoker, will have any real long term impacts. You have to evaluate your own risk level.

Depending on the level of contamination you can budget between 10-50k.
Access to proper PPE is a large part of my consideration when thinking hiring pros is the way to go. That said, the Asbestos board is very easily accessible, and should not fill more than 4 or 5 garbage bags all said. Another concern would be getting a permit to take it to the dump? how does that work?
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