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Old 04-30-2020, 11:28 AM   #284
Flash Walken
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
Maybe treat scrums like poker where you get one time out during tribal, that's it, and you can only select one person to talk to on the time out.

I guess I'm old, but one of the things that I miss about this show that before the game shifted to this whole voting block, loyalty jumps in terms of padding resumes, there were some great calculating players who could see ahead two or three moves in a row.

Richard Hatch had his game figured out after one period of observing, he knew who he could use, who he could play, who were the weak points in his alliance.

When Amber won, she was very much the same, you could see her going through variables in her mind.

Pavarti formed the Black Widows early on and was planning who they were targeting days in advance.

Survivor was a game of chess. Now its a game of checkers with a lot of flailing and making big moves not for long term strategic considerations but to build a resume.

The only guy that came close to touching on that bought up that Jeremy would be death in front of a jury.

All of the other players are so random and deceitful that its 50/50 that the person that they're sending to the jury is a vote in play anymore.

I mean Ben is in the game, but he's out of the running to win anything, his game is awful. Tony has done a good job on outplay and outlast, but again he's so erratic and he's drawing a big target on his back, and last night he let out that he had a idol, there's no way that a smart group of players isn't going to do everything possible to draw that out.

The game has become so random and chaotic and the players just short sighted. The real thoughtful strategic players are gone, replaced by resume padders and chaotic evil players that don't have a plan.
I actually think the main part of this is the production side factors that are introduced into the game.

An early tribe swap into 3 tribes to shake things up makes long term planning complicated and unnecessary.

Exile Island limits the finality and removes 'blood' from people's hands. By removing that element it lowers the threat level for people back at camp. It used to be if you demonstrated that much power at a tribal, the time back at camp afterwards would have everyone identifying how threatening you were. You used to see someone wield power at a tribal and then have someone in their alliance targeted at the next one as a result. Not as revenge, but to damage that person's power.

After Tony's last tribal, and the rest of the tribe being able to hear him and Sarah talking afterwards, Sarah should've been target #1 for the rest of the tribe after Tony won immunity, if only to damage Tony's numbers.
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