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Old 04-16-2020, 08:44 PM   #132
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Join Date: Jun 2002

Yeah, I'm just having a really hard time of it right now, its downright depressing. The last time I was out of work, it was pretty responsive, this time, I'm not getting a lot of traction. Its not about some time pressure to get to work financially, its time pressure to get back to work, because I want to work, and I don't want to face a long period of time without work.

Right now I feel like I'm nowhere you know, I get it, its hyper competitive for any positions that are hiring, and they're going to be able to look at exact fits, and probably budget fits.

I was reviewing my resume and my cover letters today and they looked fine to me.

Over the last couple of days there haven't been a lot of new postings and a lot of the postings are old like 30 days plus, and I know better, I know that most hiring is on hold.

Just right now, to be honest, I almost feel useless and un wanted you know, and I should know better, its only been slightly less then a month.

Its funny, I talked to some contacts at my old company (The one I got laid off from), and they're really struggling, and I know it sounds petty but the people that they kept over me haven't done anything and part of me was saying, F you, you kept the wrong people.

Anyways, I think my ego is getting in the way, tomorrows the start of the long weekend for me, I'm going to do some chores around the house and not think about this stuff, and stay away from the search for a few days.
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Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
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