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Old 04-07-2020, 11:06 PM   #121
Fire of the Phoenix
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Originally Posted by dino7c View Post
Look I'm not 100% on Ward either I just think BB is way over rated and has only done well in the regular season with top 3 type rosters.

You say the Flames don't have a top 10 roster yet since Ward took over the Flames have the 8th best record in the NHL.

So which is it? Did ward get more out of his roster (good coaching job) or do the Flames have a better than top 8 roster?
What's his record without shootout wins, which cant be counted on. Sample was too small for ward to truly judge but I wasn't a fan of his in-game management, construction of D pairings and lines or the idea that timeouts don't matter. Seriously do Peters and ward both hate hanifin? Why saddle our supposed highest ceiling dman with hamonic game after game? You know he was going back to that well after hamonic came back too. I mean I know you have to play hamonic somewhere unfortunately but on the 2nd pair with a developing dman? It was seriously painful to watch, cant imagine what Noah thought of it. 1.5 years of that pairing 1.5 years! It might not seem like much but that is a ridiculous amount of time spent trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, and ward was there as AC last year watching that pairing get it's head caved in constantly. How did he not pick up on it?

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