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Old 03-31-2020, 06:54 PM   #762
Table 5
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Yeah, don't get me wrong, I don't think this is something we just shake off in a couple of months. This is a totally different kind of beast, and there will be huge repercussions, plenty of which we have no clue about yet. Apart from the massive amounts of debt, I think one of the biggest issues will be if COVID keeps back coming in waves and sporadically shutting things down every few months, preventing any sort of forward momentum. It's going to get really disheartening.

In the end, I feel like the US will come out alright. We'll see what the government does (print its way out of debt?) but that country is filled with an unflappable, almost naive, attitude and ability to push forward and take risks. Uber, AirBnb, Pinterest, Slack etc were all founded within a year or two after the Great Recessions.

Like you though, I'm much less optimistic about what happens here in Alberta, where things were already pretty dour before Corona. Hopefully we see a similar type of willingness to try new things outside of the energy sector, by both the government and private entities.
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