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Old 03-11-2020, 07:14 PM   #2240
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Originally Posted by nfotiu View Post
Why do you think the top 1% pays the top marginal tax rate. That does not appear to be the case at all in the 50s.
That's the rate they started at, not paid. Just like the top 1% today start at 37% but usually pay less than 15% after deductions. It's a game, but the deck was stacked more in the favor of the average Joe back in the 50s. Today, the top 1% rarely pays their fair share, and corporations rarely pay any tax at all.

I do agree that there is room to increase the taxes in the higher brackets and figure out how to tax all income high earners make. But to say that the top 1% was pay a 91% income tax at any time in US history is wrong.
Sure, just like saying that the top 1% pay 37% right now. Back in the 50s the top 1% paid a lot closer to 91% than the top 1% today pay 37%. The systems have always been screwed up that way because of the imbalance in reductions that rich people get to abuse and poor people have no access to.
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