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Old 03-11-2020, 12:56 PM   #2223
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Originally Posted by Ark2 View Post
Yep, that's a deal breaker for me, same with an estate tax. Even though I will never be wealthy enough for a tax like this to target me, it just strikes me as legalized theft and immoral.
Naww, what it does is recoups a great deal of money from an individual who made great deals of wealth on the backs of the many. The recapture of these funds then goes to provide the social programs those many rely upon because the uber-rich, the only ones impacted by this tax, refuse to share the wealth with those who made them rich in the first place. The estate tax is a great thing, because you can't take it with you and we really need fewer rich brats who never worked a day in their lives living off of mommy and daddy's money. America was at its greatest when the middle class was strong and the rich were paying for the infrastructure they mostly used.
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