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Old 03-07-2020, 12:31 PM   #4947
Franchise Player
Join Date: Jan 2014

Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
Yeah because Canadians are a soft touch, and hand wringers.

At the same time these environmental groups know that. I have no respect for them until I see them standing in front of tanks in China, or in front of guns in Russia, or in front of Death Squads in Saudi Arabia.

Now in no uncertain terms do I advocate dealing with these people in the same way in Canada.

But they come here, and they fund here because we know that we'll softly and gently let them have their way.

These other countries wouldn't tolerate shutting down rail roads or important projects, and they certainly wouldn't have a catch and release for Protestors so they can show up the next day for more protesting fun after receiving a hot meal and nice steaming cup of Bosco and a pat on the head with a please don't show up again.

These countries wouldn't tolerate foreign interests funding at all.

We're being targeted because we're virtue signaling softies who think that our actions as a country matter.
  • If you want to battle climate change develop and sell technology.
  • If you want to battle climate change put a carbon tax on all incoming countries goods like China and India and Saudi Arabia.
  • If you want to battle climate change promote Canadian Oil and gas that has lower environmental impacts then development in Saudi Arabia and the States and other countries.
  • If you want to battle climate change, then stop having countries ferrying oil and gas to Canada in big hideously emission producing tankers from other countries.
  • Shutting down our development to make environmental groups and destroying our country and thinking it will reduce emissions worldwise is stupid, all that's going to happen is these other producing countries with no emissions standards are going to jump in to take our market space and laugh at us.
This whole thing is ridiculous and stupid.
Alberta oilsands have some of the highest GHG per barrel of any nation, higher than the two countries you mentioned, so number three would not work.
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