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Old 02-18-2020, 04:22 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Blaster86 View Post
But as an example of a JRPG, it is quite good with some of the best cut scenes of any 90s game and one of the best sound tracks in the final fantasy line.
Agreed that the cutscenes are great, but I struggle to say it's the best soundtrack of the FF line. I would argue FFVI is a stronger and more complete soundtrack. Late SNES RPG titles all had fantastic soundtracks (think FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Tales of Phantasia, Terranigma) because the composers had mastered the sound chip at that point. The PS1 sound chip was a huge jump and also had MIDI capabilities, but he wasn't able to really use it well until FFIX. Obviously there's really memorable tracks in FFVII (just like FFIV has memorable tracks despite the quality), but I can't really suggest it's the best.

Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
Honestly, the graphics aren't all that bad. It's not like FF6 where it's just motionless 2d sprites, there are actually animations.
The low polygon count and lack of textures on 3D models really makes the game age extremely poorly, in my opinion. At least in FFVI, the enemy sprites were extremely detailed so it's not like there was nothing to look at. Those graphics age much more gracefully as well. Static sprites were a pretty common thing at that time, anyway.
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