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Old 01-29-2020, 09:31 PM   #46
First Line Centre
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Calgary

Can I clarify whether you're saying you're just 3 years in an office role (and maybe 10+ years of experience before that) or you're actually 3 years into your career?

If it's the former, then I think you decide what's best for yourself. You know what your ambition level is and whether this is something you want to pursue. Know that bitching will definitely affect your reputation, but at this point in your career you know what is important to you.

If you're three years into your career, then I think you are being absolutely ridiculous. You're at a point in your career where you are completely replaceable. People that do exactly what they are told to do and not an inch more are a dime a dozen.

You are getting leadership experience 3 years into your career, when most people won't even have that opportunity until 5-7 years in, and you are complaining that you won't get paid extra.

Frick, 3 years into your career, what are you even making? What's an extra 5% for you right now in terms of permanently cashing in your reputation?

For me, thinking long term has worked out - the extra responsibilities I took on early in my career translated into multiple promotions with 20-30% raises later on. My advice is really to learn as much as possible and get as broad of an experience as possible. It will pay off for you.
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