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Old 12-21-2019, 11:47 AM   #8
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I think its all three to be honest, plus add in a rise of organized gangs especially in Toronto fueled by the easy profits of opioids. I know people in rural areas of Alberta feel like they're under siege and not being listened to in terms of the robberies that are happening where you see long response times.

I think in terms of guns, its less about gun thefts and the huge profit to be made by gun smuggling with the approval of the Chinese government for example. We need to do a better job of defending our borders from smuggling.

I know that with the economic slump in Alberta that there are lots of angry and depressed people as well.

I'm also going to say this, the Chinese government is a major part of the problem in terms of opioids and firearms they're elbows deep into the hard currency profit of drugs and gun smuggling.
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