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Old 11-25-2019, 04:15 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jun 2002

Originally Posted by Huntingwhale View Post
For me video game epicness really came to life in GTA 4. The combination of graphics, massive open world concept, the music, and the amount of content in that game completely blew me away.

It wasn't during any special cut-scene or mission, but I remember during one game session being chased by the cops, evading them until I hit a jump, the game went into slow-motion mode, and explosions all around. I remember thinking just how far video games had come in that moment. Where I could live out live action movies as my own character. GTA 3 was pretty groundbreaking. But I think that moment in GTA 4 really opened up my mind to what video games could be.

I had that amazing moment in Grand Theft 6. I was being chased by the cops with a 3 star wanted sign. I was going over the major bridge and this cop cuts me off in front and rams me, I accidentally hit the enter key as my car is spinning through the air, and I'm ejected from the car, go over the bridge railing, fall below and land on top of another police car, and they jump out of the car and shoot me.

I had to take a moment because it was an amazing sequence.
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