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Old 11-19-2019, 10:31 AM   #50
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Apr 2014

Originally Posted by Fuzz View Post
While this is technically possible, it's also not very efficient. And if you imaginal you need 30 minutes to fully charge(at a much more efficient supercharger), that's about half the distance from Calgary to Canmore. That's a huge amount of roadway to wire up. How long of a road segment would you need to make it practical and useful, and be affordable to do? The math doesn't really work.
I was thinking more putting them on main roads in the city like a Trans Canada/ 16 Avenue and the surrounding areas. A combination of slower speeds and leaving your car to grab drive thru or sitting at a restaurant to grab food is enough time to give it a "10-15% top up while passing through" in lieu of having to stop at a super charger. I wasn't imagining putting it on highways and I wasn't imagining completely replacing super chargers.

So for instance, let's say your vehicle has a 400KM range. All of the Trans Canada Strip within Medicine Hat is wired to be wireless charging which also benefits the locals. If you can get around 10-15% while searching for a supercharger, then when you find one, you can theoretically top up in less time than 30 minutes, no? Plus, if the locals are just doing short trips in general, they won't generally need to clog up the super chargers either, which leaves them vacant for those that require longer trips or have higher energy usages for their vehicles (ie: Towing/delivery/distance/ride share etc.).

I was imagining the intention for wiring up the wireless charging is a bit more big picture than just being able to blast from Calgary to Regina or Calgary to Kelowna without ever stopping.
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