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Old 10-16-2019, 10:46 AM   #458
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Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
Buttigieg is smart and very likable, but is essentially an empty shirt, stuffed with big donor money. He's in the race on the strength of a few millionaires deciding he should be in it, and he really has zilch in the way of policy. What does Pete stand for? Seriously, see if you can think of what he's actually for, what his signature policies are, without looking them up.

I've been paying pretty close attention and the closest I can come up with is "If you like Joe Biden but think he's too old, vote for me".
Medicare for all who want it
15 seat supreme court with 5 chosen unanimously by the other justices
Douglass Plan
National Service Program
Abolishing the Electoral College
Carbon Tax
Pulling out of Afghanistan
Universal Background Checks and Assault Rifle Ban
Comprehensive Immigration Reform and Pathway to citizenship

That was basically just recalling last night's debate points.

Some of his biggest bundlers...

Elmendorf is the most important, because although his personal net worth isn't clear, he's responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in donations from companies like Amazon and Disney. As far as I know, Pete is the only candidate who's accepting money from lobbyists. More than half of Pete's donations come from large individual donors.

Compare that to Sanders, where the number is less than 20%.

Pete isn't really some outsider relying on grassroots support. He's much more like a candidate built in a lab as some ivory tower ideal. His donor profile is much more like Harris's and Biden's. The guy kind of sums up what white coastal elites think should go into picking a Presidential Candidate - someone who'll say "I'm a really smart guy, look how smart I am personally, I should be running things" - making the campaign about him personally, rather than talking about how he would solve problems or what he's actually for. He'll speak in vague platitudes and tell anecdotes and stories from the campaign trail and sound very compelling and likable doing so, and he'll avoid, at all costs, taking policy stances, because committing to do anything might scare off some potential voter somewhere.

I don't know if he'd beat Trump or not, but that strikes me as a bad strategy.
I mean, he has some typical non-political experience credentials - Ivy League, McKinsey, etc, but I'd hardly call a gay 2 term mayor of a city of 100k in Indiana a built in a lab candidate. His political experience is very unconventional for a Presidential Candidate. Unprecedented, really. His donor base and supporter base, especially in early states is not unlike Obama's.
Trust the snake.
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