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Old 10-15-2019, 02:13 PM   #67
Franchise Player
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I think there was way more going on there than some central takeaway about mental illness and social programs, although that was a piece of it.

Does the fact that the film was pretty much entirely bleak and didn't have a feel good resolution make it a bad movie? Not to me. But I can understand why its off putting to people. I think the purpose of the movie was to take you on an uneasy, stressful journey into the making of a madman. There was no batman to come in and resolve that tension. But I actually liked that the movie went there.
A few weeks after crashing head-first into the boards (denting his helmet and being unable to move for a little while) following a hit from behind by Bob Errey, the Calgary Flames player explains:

"I was like Christ, lying on my back, with my arms outstretched, crucified"
-- Frank Musil - Early January 1994
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