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Old 10-02-2019, 02:01 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Resolute 14 View Post
I'm fully acquainted with both the impacts of mental health issues, as well as the impacts of being the relative of a murder victim. I'm not sure if you have a relationship to one of the victims, or if you're just being an armchair jackass to make yourself feel superior. But not all of us are blind to wider realities.

Also, yes, a forum is not always the best place to go searching for validation.
I am genuinely confused as to what he means regarding "skin in the game." Is he a former neighbour of de Grood, related to one of the victims, does he have someone in his family who has committed a violent crime but then was declared NCR due to mental illness?

All of those perspectives would indeed indicate differing levels of skin in the game, but they also don't shed any light on why his opinion should be given any more weight in this discussion - at least not without additional analysis or explanation on the poster's part.

Personally, these situations should clarify for everyone why it is good that we have an independent justice system where experts in many different fields can inform a judge's ability to make the best - and most just - decision for society. If we left criminal justice up to the mob, we would have a lot of lynching, and very little justice.
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