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Old 10-02-2019, 08:10 AM   #62
Franchise Player
Join Date: Oct 2014

Originally Posted by bigtmac19 View Post
I'm curious what information there is regarding what behaviours he was exhibiting in the months before his break. Do we actually know? Were there any obvious signs? I can only imagine that schizophrenia must manifest in so many different ways. If I was his family, it would haunt me forever that I missed signs and could have gotten him help before this happened.

I think it was a fairly typical scenario before the attack. I'm sure he posted weird stuff on FB, acted strangely around his friends and at work. There were reports of his parents receiving weird texts and trying very hard to track him down.

But this is common when it comes to almost all health care. People have heart attacks right in front of us and we give them some soup and tell them to have a nap. We do not know enough to take a the leap from our friend is feeling kind of down, to our friend is really very dangerously ill with something that could end up in multiple tragic deaths.

If someone's femur is sticking out of their leg we all know to take them to the hospital. But there are thousands of more serious conditions we haven't the foggiest notion of. When we talk of mental healthcare it involves everyone, not just those with an illness.
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