Thread: Saudi Troubles
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Old 09-29-2019, 11:28 PM   #186
Jeff Lebowski
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Nov 2015

Originally Posted by blankall View Post
Last time I checked people from Iran were brown too.

What separates Iran from Yemen is a highly advanced aeronautics and military industry that dates back decades. Designing a long range drone capable of high speed and altitude flight, a significant degree of stealth, and precision targeting is extremely difficult and would take decades of engineering and science. It's highly unlikely that a rebel group from an impoverished nation with no major experience, universities, or research groups would be able to design such a device.

It's actually you who is guilty of orientalism by not realizing how advanced Iran's aeronautics are and what separates a country like Iran from Yemen. You are painting everyone with a single brush.

The whole point of this discussion is that there is no proof the drone came from anywhere. However, basic common sense suggests one of three main possibilities:

1. Iran launched the device from Iran;
2. Iran provided the device to Yemen rebels; and
3. There was no attack and the Saudis are making everything up to justify sanctions against Iran/Yemen and increased oil prices.

Quite frankly, I'm open to any of these possibilities based on current evidence. It'd be nice to have a civil discussion about these possibilities and the rationales for each one. You're the only one here irrationally excluding totally plausible explanations.
What are you talking about?!? Where have I written Iran didn’t have capabilities? I had stated Iran could’ve done this but the Yemenis were also capable - maybe based on copies of other’s tech- I don’t understand why you confuse what I’ve written. My point is it’s wrong to conclude it was Definitely Iran.

So the point is the Yemenis were not necessarily given the weapons but reverse engineered their own - was it Iran that provided the template? Maybe, probably likely but that does not mean Iran is responsible. Where is the proof ? So what if Iranian drones were copied? How are they responsible for the attack? If there is proof, let’s see it.

The war on Yemen is a humanitarian crisis. Starvation, cholera, people have a right to fight back. For self defence. I’m saying the Yemenis are in their rights to launch these attacks and it’s possible they did so as they claimed.

As you listed either Iran did it or they gave them the weapons used. Do you see the difference? Is Iran responsible if Yemen reverse engineered their weapons?

Last edited by Jeff Lebowski; 09-29-2019 at 11:34 PM.
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