Thread: e-cigs
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Old 09-06-2019, 10:34 PM   #217
Cecil Terwilliger
That Crazy Guy at the Bus Stop
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Originally Posted by oldschoolcalgary View Post
more research needs to be done, particularly in terms of usage but also what exactly was being smoked.

e-cigs have been around for years, without any of these issues coming it seems like something has changed.

it could very well be the increased usage creating a larger sample size, leading to finding these connections between users. Or it could be users smoking THC oils, which most of the cases seem to indicate, in addition to smoking the manufacturer's products.
Absolutely. There could be so many factors. With e liquids not being well regulated and the vape industry exploding, poorly made nicotine products could be at fault. So could faulty products sold from not so reputable coil/tank/mod makers. And that’s without getting into the long term effects of vape usage and nicotine addiction for teens.

All that being said, I’ve been following the hysteria down south quite closely and 100% of the news reports I’ve read have specifically mentioned cannabis with one or two stories mentioning counterfeit coils purchased on the street.

But that’s always buried at the bottom of the article. The headlines and tv news stories rarely talk about reality and instead do everything in their power to generate clicks and viewers by ignoring that info and focusing on fear, half truths and hysteria.
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