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Old 08-28-2019, 12:06 PM   #267
afc wimbledon
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Originally Posted by stampsx2 View Post
A u.s. uk trade deal looks very promising:

From bloomberg:

Bolton’s offer to “carve out” areas where Britain and America could negotiate trade deals “very quickly” is designed to boost Johnson’s argument that Britain could see benefits from a no-deal Brexit. Bolton rejected the idea that trade talks would take years.

In a direct rebuke to former President Barack Obama, who in 2016 warned that Britain outside the EU would find itself at the “back of the queue” for a U.S. trade deal, Bolton said: “To be clear, in the Trump administration, Britain is at the front of the trade queue -- or ‘line,’ as we say.”

Asked which sectors he had in mind for fast deals, Bolton cited manufacturing, including car-makers. He said there was a potential “enormous benefit” from a financial services deal, but that this was “complex,” and so might not be the first on the list.
There is huge benefit to the US, their plans for financial services basically cut London's nuts off and have almost all of the work move to Wall Street via regulatory allignment

There is really nothing the UK has it can sell to the US beyond what is sells now, mostly the US wants is to kill the City and open up the UK to US agricultural imports
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