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Old 08-21-2019, 06:24 PM   #1492
First Line Centre
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Originally Posted by DoubleF View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most Echo dot have an Aux out? I'm guessing there is some tech out there where you can probably hook up a single amp and play through different channels to each individual room (Albeit not cheap), but for a less elegant alternative, what about this:

Less than $30 per amp per speaker set, then another $35 for a dot = $65 per set of ceiling speakers. If you want to get fancy, you could even get something like this as part of the management of the units for $18 each so they're all a little better organized in your utility room:

Each set of speakers gets a power amp and an echo dot hooked up via aux cable, essentially so each set of speakers is another independent node sort of situation? Then name each echo dot as the room speaker. It won't be a true central hub, but a bunch of small nodes in close proximity.

Would an idea like this work?
This would definitely work. If you wanted to take it a little further, you could plug the amps into Amazon or Wemo plugs so you could power them off and on through the wemo or Alexa app. not as slick as the Sonos, but much cheaper for sure.
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Last edited by monkeyman; 08-21-2019 at 06:35 PM.
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