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Old 07-24-2019, 01:17 PM   #2444
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Aug 2017

Originally Posted by GranteedEV View Post
I'm highly skeptical of this argument. In the regular season our team was tied for tops in the NHL with the sharks for even strength high danger goals with 128. While that can't qualify the dirtyness of the goal, it typically does signal a willingness to crash the net.

I think if we lacked in any area it was goals scored from outside by forwards. Guys like MacKinnon and Rantanen were scoring OT winners from 25+ feet out on Smith in the playoffs with absolute snipes and we had no one who could do the same at the other end as all our goal scoring forwards are muffin shooters who depend on dirty goals.

I reject the idea that we didn't score dirty goals. Mangiapane, Monahan, Tkachuk, Bennett, Hathaway, Backlund, Frolik, Ryan, Lindholm... all these guys were crashing the net hard all year. About the only forward who was scoring primarily from outside / on pretty plays seemed to be Czarnik. And that worked because he brought an element that was sorely missed. Even Monahan, our best shooter, rarely steps out of his typical scoring areas, although they're further out than most of the team.
Agree with all of this. Enjoy your takes.
So after the near khadri trade its obviouse that the team is looking at center most likely however i think the addition of a pure sniper rw wing would be just as good on the short term. It would force backs into a more offensive minded thinking. I like frolik but the team would be a real threat if the second line was also driving offense more consistently. A sniper would improve the second powerplay and as you pointed out seems to be the element missing from the offense of the team.

Thought we got it with Neal but alas it was not so.
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